No Contact Concert Series Premieres This Weekend With Acoustic Syndicate

A local event production company has decided to use this downtime during the Covid-19 pandemic and turn their expertise into a live music series.

Audio engineer John Crawford typically spends his days as the production manager of Codex Sound Company, a full service event production company based in Hickory, NC.  Codex handles the sound, event lighting and portable staging for live concerts, festivals, and corporate events across the region.

If you’ve ever attended a concert or weekend festival at the Whitewater Center, Codex Sound handles the production for all of their live music events.


No Contact Concert Series soundstage. Photo courtesy of Codex Sound

In light of the recent slowdown across the live music industry, John and his partners decided to put their warehouse full of live music gear to good use and launch the No Contact Concert Series.

NC natives Acoustic Syndicate, which Codex has a long, rich history with, will kick off the series this Saturday at 8pm.  Additional live streams are currently in the works and will be announced soon.


“I woke up in the middle of the night a few weeks back and realized that we have all of this space, equipment and expertise to probably pull off a high-quality live stream event.  That’s what got the ball rolling.” – John Crawford

The goal of the No Contact Concert Series is to utilize their large warehouse facility and create an online space where artists and production staff can work together to stretch the boundaries of traditional performance formats.  All live streaming events will be shot multi-cam style with up to 6 cameras while providing board quality sound.

In addition, any local businesses who would like to get involved and promote their brands are encouraged to reach out to Codex for more information at


FOH setup. Photo courtesy of Codex Sound


The personal health of everyone involved in this series is also a top priority.  They’ve taken extra steps to ensure that everyone involved with the production and performance adhere to the social distancing guidelines that are in place across the country.


Photo courtesy of Codex Sound


Acoustic Syndicate is a musical institution. Since 1994, their unique blend of bluegrass instruments, rock sensibilities, and conscious songwriting has inspired a generation of musicians. Through 7 albums, thousands of performances, and tens-of-thousands of miles, Acoustic Syndicate has long been heralded as one of the important influences on the modern roots-music revival.

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